Tarot Reflections Journal

Become a confident Tarot Reader without having to memorize each card

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ONE TIME OFFER $27: Boost your tarot reading skills and intuitive abilities to uncover deep wisdom and provide accurate guidance. In this mega SPREADS BUNDLE you will find 37 Spreads for Personal and Spiritual Growth, 6 Spreads for Manifestation, 13 for Love and Relationships, 12 Self Love Spreads, 11 Shadow Work, 6 Physical Health, 10 Mental Health, 11 Fertility, 7 Financial, 4 Seasonal, 8 Chakra based Spreads, 5 Timing based Spreads, 15 Quick 3 Card Spreads and 41 Astrology based Spreads. This collection has been specifically designed to help you learn how to work with spreads and to encourage you to explore new possibilities with your readings for yourself and others.

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